Governing board information
Governing board annual report 2023-2024
Chair of Governors: Ms Susan Powell
Meet the governors
Julie Evans — Headteacher
I have worked in Special Education for the past 18 years and in senior management for the past 10 years, I have worked with children and young people from 4 to 25 and have a passion for increasing performance and improving outcomes. I have worked as a class teacher, Head of Literacy and AAC, Head of Education, Vice Principal and Head of College. I have always worked with children and young people with complex needs and have had a particular focus on those with Autism and behaviours that may challenge. I have worked with the National Autistic Society reviewing services seeking to be Autism Accredited as an external assessor. I am particularly interested in staff development and well being as well as supporting parents and carers.
Susan Powell — Local Authority Governor; Chair of Governors
Following a successful teaching career in Croydon, including 20 years in primary headship, I worked in Surrey as a Leadership and Management consultant and School Improvement Partner until I retired. Since that time I have been a governor, and Chair of Governors in maintained primary schools and the Chair of a special school governing board. Throughout my career I have seen myself as a learner as well as teacher. This has enabled me to develop and understand successful practice in the classroom, in leadership and management and in inspection, all of which I believe will allow me to contribute to the Board of Governors of Priory School. I keep myself up to date through a variety of governor training opportunities as well as reading.
I have lived in Croydon since childhood and come from a family where three relatives taught in Bromley. I enjoy music particularly and have sung in several different choirs. I also try to keep myself fit, enjoying Pilates sessions.
Term of office: 22/11/2022 to 21/11/2026
Travis Littlechilds — Parent Governor
My son is 13 and has been in special education at four different schools in two countries, so I have a very keen understanding of what a difference a good school and its resources can make for SEND families. I myself grew up with undiagnosed autism and ADHD and this has given me a very strong sense of the challenges many of our students have as well as a desire to help make sure Priory is able to provide students with the attention and resources I never had. For more than 20 years I have volunteered in various contexts to work for safeguarding and for mental and emotional well-being and I look forward to working towards the same values at Priory.
Term of office 05/09/2023 to 04/09/2027
Dominic Riddex — Co-opted Governor
I have been a governor for a local primary academy for nearly five years and, during that time, have seen the school complete a journey from Ofsted 'inadequate' to 'good' in all areas in early 2023. I understand the importance of strong governance in the school system in securing the best outcomes for children and am keen to continue helping make a difference to the lives of more children. I live only a few minutes' walk from Priory School and, as an official working in the Department for Education, I understand some of the challenges faced by the special school sector. I am keen to learn more about the issues and use my skills, knowledge and experience to make education a positive experience for the students at Priory School.
Term of office: 21/03/2023 to 20/03/2027
Hazel Samuriwo — Co-opted Governor; Safeguarding Governor
I believe that becoming a School Governor provides an opportunity to continue to make a difference to young people and act in their best interests. As a family law barrister I am so used to solving difficult problems related to children and families. This is achieved in a number of ways including advocacy, negotiating and problem solving. With my experience so far, I feel I am in a position to contribute as a Governor, putting the children’s best interests at heart.
Term of office: 18/07/2023 to 17/07/2027
Gertrude Martindale — Co-opted Governor
I am passionate about good governance and inspiring the younger generation to embrace and strive for better education and employment in order to be able to have a better future in life. My passion has enabled me to facilitate work experiences within my work place to encourage students to learn and explore the various careers within the healthcare sector especially in Pathology. I believe the younger generation need the right and appropriate guidance to make the right decision at the right time. My vast experience and wealth of knowledge both in the academia (as a PhD scholar) and NHS would make me a good governor for your school as I will bring in my skills in leading quality, health and safety, change management ideas and tools to the team but also empower both students and parents to be the best of themselves in making a brighter future together.
Term of office: 08/06/2023 to 07/06/2027
Ms Cheridah Mejias — Parent Governor
Term of office: 13/07/2021 to 12/07/2025
Holly Smith - Co-opted Governor
I have worked in policy and Government for nearly ten years, including as a policy advisor on SEND policy in London for the London Assembly and for a local authority. Having volunteered in SEND schools, I am passionate about ensuring high standards in education for all pupils. I have a neurodiverse condition myself, and only received support towards the end of my time in education, so I know how important it is for schools to have the resources and support needed to create a nurturing environment tailored to the needs of individual pupils. I live close to Priory School, and it is a privilege to be able to contribute to the work the school does for pupils.
Term of Office: 12/12/2023 to 11/12/2027
Tola Olatunji - Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 16/04/2024 to 15/04/2028
Andrew Brook - Coopted Governor
I am a qualified secondary history teacher, now working as a programme manager for the national children and young person's charity Power2
Link Role: Wellbeing
Term of Office: 11/06/2024 to 10/06/2028
Stephen O'Reilly - Coopted Governor
Awaiting Information.
Term of Ofice: 11/06/2024 to 10/06/2028
Virginia Caesar - Staff Governor
Awaiting Information.
Term of Office: 03/05/2024 to 02/05/2028
Minutes and papers of governing board meetings
The governing board of Priory School is committed to raising and maintaining school standards by setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability, and acting as a support system for the school community.
The governing board focuses on specific areas of school life through its committees and link governor roles.
Full governing board meetings are held three times per term.
Attendance at meetings of members of the public
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the governing board at the discretion of the Chair of Governors but are required to give at least 7 days written notice to the clerk of governors. Members of the public who are permitted to attend are invited purely as spectators and will take no part in the meeting unless specifically invited to by the chair of governors. Anyone in attendance can be asked to leave by the Chair of Governors at any point during discussion of particular items.