Sixth form curriculum

Our Sixth Form is highly personalised to the long term outcomes of the individual, as identified in the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and through transition / adulthood planning. The sixth form pathway offers a range of experiences by applying classroom learning to ‘real life’ situations. Applied learning opportunities are fundamental to the sixth form, allowing students to gain first-hand experience of life skills whilst developing confidence and independence. Community links, enterprise and work experience opportunities underpin the drive for students to succeed on their journey into adulthood.

We have high expectations and want all our young people to achieve and make progress during this final stage of their journey at Priory school.  There will be continued focus on Maths and English skills, as well as all students working towards a blend of accreditations, including:

  • Functional Skills

  • AQA Unit Awards

  • ASDAN Work Right

  • ASDAN Personal Progress Entry Level Diploma

  • Duke of Edinburgh.

Some students may also undertake qualifications specific to career choice, such as food hygiene. Annual review of the curriculum ensures that we can best meet the students’ needs.

Everty student will leave us with a ‘LAP book’ that can be used as voice for our students, alongside their EHCP. This booklet will enable all skills, interests and career plans to be shared with their next destination, ensuring continued ownership and inclusion in the decisions they make once leaving Priory School.

A small number of students who cannot access the Sixth Form provision, will remain within their Key Stage 4 learning pathway, with additional bespoke opportunities included in their learning to prepare them for adulthood. Our aim is to ensure that we provide as many options and choices as possible, ensuring a range of destinations and and opportunities for our students.

We offer three bespoke learning journeys in Sixth Form:

Journey 1

For learners with complex learning disabilities and aims to develop communication, the ability to engage with people, objects and the environment, self-advocacy and regulation and making a valued contribution to society, alongside increasing autonomy and independence skills. There is a continued focus on English and Maths and transitioning these skills into the community and everyday life.

Journey 2

For those who are able to demonstrate levels of independence throughout their day, this journey aims to develop communication and sensory, life, social and work related skills. Those on journey 2 will benefit from accessing and utilising leisure opportunities within their local community and developing independence skills that can transfer into everyday life.

Journey 3

For a small handful of learners who are mainly accessing journey 2 but are showing that they are able to develop further skills within English and Maths as well as work related skills. These students will primarily access the Journey 2 curriculum, with additional opportunities to build skills and knowledge, and to complete qualifications or a work experience placement at a more demanding level.

Full details of our Sixth Form Curriculum, including the expected progression and outcome for each learning journey can be found here:

Summary of destinations for leavers, July 2023

Destination Number
Croydon Pathways9
Other — Care provision1
Orchard Hill College3
Carshalton College1
No offer3